What is Leptin?

what is leptin video

CLICK THIS: INCREDIBLE VIDEO explains what is Leptin and why it's called the “I’m full” hormone...it’s what tells your brain you’ve had enough to eat.  

You need this remarkable hormone. 

Do You feel like you can’t stop eating?

Even when your stomach is bursting at the seams.

What is Leptin and Can it Help in Your eating

Sound familiar? Now you know why.

But here’s where it may be affecting you the most.

If you’re doing everything right, and can’t make the scale budge, or you keep rebounding, or you seem to gain weight when you eat less...

...there’s a reason.

You see, studies are showing that a rogue chemical inside your body is basically making your brain “leptin-blind”.

So What Is This Rogue Chemical That’s Making Your Body Go “Leptin-Blind”? - Learn Here in this Video.

Learn what is leptin and why it affects your weight lost.

Every heard of Leptin Nutrition?

Leptin is the king of hormones, the leader of everything that takes place in your body, meaning that once it is released it will travel to another area of your body to make things happen.

It is also called the fat hormone, but this is good thing, keep reading and you will understand why or LISTEN TO THIS VIDEO - IT IS INCREDIBLE

What is Leptin Resistance and How it Affects Your Every Day Life.

Understanding how this hormones works and utilizing that information to your day-to-day life can totally change your health.

This is especially true regarding issues of weight management, stress, and cardiovascular health.

The leptin actually is made in your stored fat.

Once this hormones is released from your fat, it enters your blood and travels up to your brain, delivering a message as to how much fuel you have on hand.

Similar to a gas gauge in your car. You have no idea if you have gas in your tank unless you look at your gauge. This happens as well with leptin.

Your subconscious brain has no way to see how much stored fat you have on hand, it relies on a gauge to determine your state of overall nutrition and fuel reserves.

If this hormones gauge is reading low it, means eat more. When you have eaten enough, leptin levels rise, and the gauge in your subconscious brain now says your tank is full – resulting in a full signal.

What do you Eat on the Leptin Diet:
List of Leptin Foods

what is leptin diet?

The Leptin Diet allows you to eat a wide range of foods.

My advice is to stay away from dairy as much as possible.

Dairy is very bad for your digestive system and your hormones will thank you later.

List of foods for any time of the day:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Nuts
  • Beans
  • Leafy

The Leptin Diet and keeping your leptin hormones healthy is to advocate eating an array of fresh, organic foods to provide energy.

Also, reducing the intake of foods that contains sugar and artificial ingredients, and taking a Leptin Supplement is highly recommended.


what is leptin and hormones you can change



Anyone who is overweight has encountered that his or her hormone being broken. This is one of the most basic problems of what is leptin.

When your leptin levels are too low, your brain thinks there is a famine and your metabolic rate is set to hibernation mode so that you do not die from starvation.

This means in order to feel satisfied you will have a subconscious drive to eat more food than you really need.

Your subconscious brain has no idea that there is food readily available anywhere.

Once you do get a signal that your leptin is full, it will give your body permission to kick-in your metabolism, and this is where you can stop gaining weight and start losing weight.

However, here is the problem most people will eat until they get the “full” signal, but many overweight people ignore this signal and will eat compulsively until all the food is gone.

Obese people may not produce enough of this hormones or that it is somehow being blocked from reaching the brain.

Here is where Leptin Supplements would come in handy.

 What is Leptin Hormone?

what is leptin and how to lose weight

This hormone is your very own personal trainer. Yeah!!

Leptin is a hormone that helps manage appetite and signaling your brain to stop eating. Double Yeah!

It also helps your brain regulate how much energy your body burns throughout the day.

Ok - How do I do all this?  See Below for for information.

Leptin is a hormone that helps manage appetite.

What is Leptin Deficiency?

Leptin deficiency is a condition that causes severe obesity beginning in the first few months of life.

Leptin deficiency is very rare, not common at all. Only a few cases have been recorded.

If your levels of leptin were lower the body thinks it has no body fat, so it would induce extremely hunger and intake of huge amount of calories.

So if you leptin levels are normal you should be able to control your eating habits...hint: help control weight gain so important to take supplement to maintain your levels.

Your leptin deficiency can be avoided by eating foods that are high in leptin such as vegetables, chicken and turkey.  Fruits and nuts.. You know the drill same healthy foods we all should be eating but don't.

What is Leptin Produced By?

Leptin hormone is produced by your body's fat cells.

The more body fat they carry, the more leptin they produce.

It's referred to as the “satiety hormone” or the “starvation hormone.”

Leptin's primary target is in the brain — particularly an area called the hypothalamus.

Leptin is carried by the bloodstream into your brain, where it sends a signal to the brain when and how much you eat.

So what is leptin produced by is your center of your brain.

What Can you Eat on a Leptin Diet?

what is leptin vs. food

CLICK HERE: To Learn Everything You Need to Know About the Leptin Diet

what is leptin and the battle inside of you

Unfortunately, this type of adverse eating behavior actually causes the gauge to become stuck which means you will feel compelled to eat more food than you really need.

This problem is tormenting millions of Americans – there is little wonder why we have an obesity epidemic plaguing our society.

Although there are now over 15,000 leptin studies, many of you may have never heard of it before, it is because most of the research has been done to make drugs for weight loss and such drugs do not work.

Is Bioleptin Supplements Safe?

Known side effects of the leptin supplement are negligible, but the long-term consequences are unknown.

The discovery what is leptin is an interesting story itself. Back in 1994, scientists at Rockefeller University discovered. Click here for more information.

Conclusion on "What is Leptin"


Leptin is the single most important hormone that regulates your body weight, and is the boss of (thyroid hormone, insulin, growth hormone, and cortisol).

It is known as the fat-hormone. Following a meal, this fat-hormone is released from your fat, enters your blood, and travels up to your brain delivering a message that you are full and letting your subconscious brain know how much fuel you have on hand.

For more information about this and to view dietary supplement products designed to support weight management.

If you wish to learn more about losing weight and your leptin hormones...see below:

Here is the Official Website Order Page and

More information (video) on the BioLeptin Supplements.

List of Interesting and Fun Websites

What is a The Leptin Diet

  • How to Balance Hormones
  • Which Foods Are High in Estrogen
  • Can Hormones Slow Metabolism
  • Metabolism and Detox
  • Foods That Help Hormones
  • Human Growth Hormone Supplement – Is it a waste of money? 
  • Things to know about Cure Insulin Resistance