Go Green Be Rich

Go Green Get Rich


Go Green Be Rich! Strategy #1

We are all increasingly feeling the need to help the environment in the face of global warming. Most people would like to "go green."

Well, the good news is that you can save money while staying green. We have found that it is possible for the average person to save around $500 per month just by making lots of small changes.

You can adopt all kinds of environmentally friendly habits that will keep a sizable portion of your hard earned money firmly in your pocket.

This report that you are reading right now is just a sample of what you’ll find in the very popular Go Green Be Rich Guide which you can download here. It will teach you not only how to go green, but also to how to save money at the same time so you can move forward to a better future not only more healthy and eco-friendly but also richer.

To a better future!

The Home: Kitchen

Go Green - Be Rich! Strategy #1

Want to save the environment from one ton of carbon every year?

Start today by only filling your kettle with the amount of water you actually need every time.

Most people fill their kettles to the brim. They waste electricity – and their money – in the process.

Persuade another 14 families (15 all together) to only fill their kettles with what they actually need and a whole ton of carbon will be prevented from floating into the atmosphere to do its irreparable damage.

If only your family did this for one week it would save enough energy to light up your house for a day, or run your TV set every evening for a week.

Potential Money Saving? If you did this twice a day, every day for a week you would save around $7.00 per week off your energy bill.

Did you like this go green be rich strategy? There are over 120 strategies just like this one that you do today to go green, save money and be rich. Visit the complete guide.

The Home: Appliances

Go Green - Be Rich! Strategy #21

Your water heater is probably set to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. You can reset it lower to 120 degrees and still have all the benefits.

However, your water heating costs will drop by up to 10% and the environment will benefit from lower energy consumption.

Potential Money Saving? Around $40 per quarter off your energy bill.

Did you like this go green be rich strategy? There are over 120 strategies just like this one that you do today to go green, save money and be rich. Visit for the complete guide.

The Home: Heating & Insulation

Go Green - Be Rich! Strategy #40

Use your heating thermostats wisely. If you lower the house temperature overnight by 5 degrees and turn it up again in the morning, you will save a lot of money and use a lot less resources.

You can also have unused rooms set to a cool setting in winter, rather than keep the whole house heated.

If you go away for a weekend you can lower your overall house heating to 55 degrees. This will keep the pipes from freezing, but will dramatically reduce your bills.

Potential Money Saving? Around $90 per year.

Did you like this go green be rich strategy? There are over 120 strategies just like this one that you do today to go green, save money and be rich. Visit here for the complete guide.

The Garden & Yard

The garden and yard are green areas where people can enjoy nature. This is where you can have flower and plants of your choosing.

Your little bit of green can be a haven of savings and can be greener than just its color. All it needs is a little bit of planning and thought...

Go Green - Be Rich! Strategy #55

Water the lawn in the early morning when there is more moisture in the air, and when the water will be retained in the soil for longer.

At the heat of the day any water you introduce onto the lawn will evaporate faster. It will not have time to penetrate down as far as it needs to go either. This will waste water, your time and your money, as well as earth's resources.

Potential Money Saving? Around $10-$15 per quarter on your water bill.

Did you like this go green be rich strategy? There are over 120 strategies just like this one that you do today to go green, save money and be rich. Visit for the complete guide.

Car and Fuel

We have a love affair with the car. It started well over 100 years ago and it has continued unabated ever since.

We are always looking for ways to go faster with more power and panache, ignoring the cost to ourselves and the environment.

The USA has only some 2% of the crude oil reserves in the world. However the USA consumes around 25% of all the oil production in any one year. Yes, the math doesn't quite add up, and we have to import 60% of the oil we use.

How much do we use?

A good question... All the cars, buses and trucks, etc in the USA consume a whopping great 20.5 million barrels of oil a DAY! That's what it takes to keep the country mobile. Isn't it time you did something to help – and save yourself some money at the same time?

Go Green - Be Rich! Strategy #70

Dump all the excess weight in your car. You car will burn more gas with every pound of increased weight.

Go through the trunk and see if there is anything you can leave out.

In some cases you can probably dump up to 100 pounds of unnecessary stuff. That will increase you car mileage considerably over time and save you money too.

Potential Money Saving? Up to $10 a week on fuel costs.

Did you like this go green be rich strategy? There are over 120 strategies just like this one that you do today to go green, save money and be rich. Visit here the complete guide.


I hope you have enjoyed this sample guide of Go Green Be Rich! The full guide has over 120 tips just like it that are easy to implement and will save you money.

In fact just the five strategies in this mini guide will save you well over $1,000 per year.

The full guide ( Go Green Be Rich ) has strategies that will save you nearly ten times that figure (however to be fair we estimated that most people won’t do EVERYTHING so that’s why we conservatively estimated that the average person will do just enough to save around $500 per month).

Going Green CAN make you RICH!

If you can save just $500 per month (which is easy with all the strategies in this guide), that’s $6000 per year.

In a high interest savings account paying 8% interest you can have:

  • 1 Year: $6,225
  • 10 years: $91,604
  • 20 years: $295,457
  • 30 years: $749,099

That’s right, over 30 years you could save over ¾ of a million dollars. Just by going green.

Download the complete guide today and have yourself a rich green future!

From Go Green Be Rich to Go Green

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